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Welcome back, Andy Proctor!

Prof. Proctor lehrt im Sommersemster zwei Lv als Gastprofessor der Uni Graz.

Seit mehr als 10 Jahren ist der Lebensmittelwissenschaftler Prof. Andy Proctor vom Department of Food Science der University of Arkansas der Uni Graz und der TU Graz verbunden. Zuletzt war er im WS 2015 als NAWI Graz Fulbright Professor in Graz, wo er unter anderem eine Veranstaltungsreihe, die Studierende mit VertreterInnen aus der Industrie vernetzte, initiierte.


Wir dürfen mit großer Freude ankündigen, dass Prof. Proctor dieses Sommersemester als Gastprofessor der Universität Graz lehren wird. Seine beiden Lv sind:

1. Special Topics in Food Science for Natural Scientists:  ‘Food Processing’ (SE):  
Content: The course will show how the basic principles of mathematics, natural sciences, biological sciences and engineering are used to conduct food processing research to address problems of economic importance. This will be done by presentations by and discussion with US professional scientists describing current research in the areas of food biotechnology, food chemistry and food engineering.  This will be illustrated by specific research discussions of food structure, biotechnology in food production, natural antioxidant chemistry, modeling of cereal drying and industrial vegetable oil processing.

2. Introduction to US Food Law (VO):
Content: The origins and current nature of US FDA food regulation and legal literature will be discussed in the context of US law and government. The focus of the course is to provide a practical understanding of the fundamental legal principles and current food law issues necessary to market food in the US. Special emphasis will be placed on acquiring skills to electronically access and use US legal literature to solve common food industry problems. Discussion will use the US Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act, US Code of Regulations and US Case Law to better understand food adulteration and labeling issues from an American perspective.

Wir laden alle interessierten ein, sich ab heute, 10.2.2017 um 15:30 Uhr zu einem oder beiden Lv anzumelden.